Prof. Dr. Adriana Baban

Prof. Dr. Adriana Baban is Professor of Health Psychology at Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, President of the Romanian Association of Health Psychology, and coordinator of the Health Psychology Research Group. She has extensive experience in applied research in public and clinic health psychology, behavioral and psychosomatic medicine and has been a coordinator of more than 30 research projects, financed by national and international institutions and agencies (e.g. EU- FP7, H2020; WHO; UNICEF; EEA/Norway; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation & Engender Health). She was a UNICEF consultant for prevention women and children maltreatment in Albania, and now she is consultant for WHO for research on children abuse in Moldova. A consistent part of her work has been addressing trauma, abuse and health as well as the promotion of health and mental well-being in children and adolescents. She serves as a PI for the study WHO/Collaborative Cross-National Study on Health Behaviour in School aged Children (HBSC – since 2004), and on Adverse Childhood Experience Study (ACE – since 2012). She has published more than 100 journal articles and book chapters in national and international journals and publishers.
Relevant publications:
Gal, I., Buta, M. & Baban, A. (2016) The child as a victim of abuse. In Child Psychology in the Judiciary Context. Eds. Visu-Petra, G., Buta M. & visu-Petra L. ASCR, Cluj-Napoca, 159-200.
Bellis, M., Hughes, K., Leckenby, N., Jones, L., Baban, A., Kachaeva, M., Povilaitis, R.,Pudule, I., Qirjako, G., Ulukol, B., Raleva, M. & Terzic, N (2014) Multi-nation study of adverse childhood experiences in Eastern Europe: modelling and meta analysis of impacts on health harming behaviours in young adults. WHO Bulletin.
Meinck, F., Steinert, J., Sethi, D., Gilbert, R., Bellis, M, Mikton, C., & Baban, A. (2016) Measuring and monitoring national prevalence of child maltreatment: a practical handbook. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office. ISBN 978 92 890 5163 7.
Baban, A., Balazsi, R., Cosma A., Sethi, D., Olsawski (2013) Adverse childhood experiences among Romanian university student. WHO, Regional Office for Europe, Cophenhaga.
Baban, A., Craciun, C. (2010) Internal and external assets and Romanian adolescents’ health: An evidence-based approach to health promoting schools policy. In Health Assets in a Global Context: Theories, Methods, Action. Eds: A. Morgan, M. Davis, E. Ziglio; UK: Springer.